
Because of changes in power consumption and the need for redundant power supply to FPSO (Floating Production Storage and Offloading Unit), it is often of interest to electrically interconnect units present in the same area using undersea cables. However, the impact on electrical plant in terms of dynamic stability, short circuit currents and harmonics must be analyzed in detail.

One of the two FPSO

One of the two FPSO


Capsim modelled all of the power grids using ETAP software so as to be able to calculate the power flows, the fault currents sizing the panels, harmonics and transients, in all the high demand configurations (offloading, pump start-ups, etc.). Specific electromagnetic transient studies, using PSIM, analyzed the problem of switching currents and resonances.


The study has allowed the customer to eliminate the technical uncertainties linked to the project and to design solutions to relieve the problems encountered.

Change in the active power supplied by the generators during a short circuit on the main network

Change in the active power supplied by the generators during a short circuit on the main network.
Categories: dynamic stability