CAPSIM provides services to the major energy generating companies both on electricity grid problems and on questions relating to instrumentation and control and to energy systems in general.

In the civil nuclear sector, for example, CAPSIM has produced ETAP models of the electricity grid at a nuclear power station in operation, and trained the operator in the performance of electrical calculations (short-circuit, load flow, etc.).

Furthermore, CAPSIM has also used simulation to study strongly constrained energy systems such as an electromagnetic lifting system and has modelled relay instrumentation and control elements for analyses of modifications at a power station.

CAPSIM also participates in projects relating to conventional power stations on industrial sites or connected directly for generation to the network.

Within these projects, the special skills of CAPSIM in terms of modelling and calculation allow treatment of problems from sizing (study of power flows, voltage plan, short-circuits) to more specific analyses (transient stability, occurrence of voltage dips, harmonics, etc.).

The numerical models of thermal generators (diesel-powered generators, gas turbines, gas-powered generators) have been developed and validated in cooperation with their manufacturers and allow analysis based on experience and feedback.