
For the development of a simulation platform to train pilots for EC175 helicopter, EUROCOPTER needed a model of the electrical network which is representative regarding to the pilot and the external systems. It must also be compatible with real-time simulation. Thus, a discrete fixed step solver has to be used and must be quick enough. Electrical equipments and the network are modelled in the AMESim environment.

The whole simulation platform is composed of 5 real-time simulation models interacting; each model representing an embedded system of the EC175 helicopter.

The point is to study physics phenomenon and behaviours to be modelled and propose a suitable modelling of the network which enable real-time simulation.


The solution used by CAPSIM to represent the system is a Matrix modelling of the electrical network. A C encoded component set in the AMESim environment enables computing the matrix inversion to generate branch currents and nodes voltages of the network. Components making interface between command logic (command bits) and C component (which has as input data resistances of branches, loads, current sources, voltage sources) has been developed.


The aim is to have a physics representative model that enables validating of command logic of network switches in real-time. Further, the C code based on a robust matrix method (standard C functions) could be the basis of the C code of a real-time model of EC175 on a simulation platform to be defined.

Scheme of process executed at each time step

Scheme of process executed at each time step
Categories: calculation tools