
The dynamic behaviour of mechanical torque sources driving alternators is fundamental in order ensure that the system frequency remains within the acceptable limits during load variations (connection/disconnection of loads, intermittence of renewable energy productions).

This is particularly true for islanded electrical grids (island grids, industrial networks connected (or not) to national electrical grids, networks of all electric ships...) but also for the electrical grids of interconnected (or not) countries.

This behaviour plays an important role regarding the respect of the grid code requirements in order to authorise the connection of the energy producing installation to the grid (exceeding of the voltage drop levels, margin of gain and phase...).


The realisation of the studies of dynamic behaviour via simulation presupposes the creation of an adapted model, revealing itself to be predictive during the study realisation.

The time and cost required for the design of such a model have to be coherent with the industrial constraints.

Service principle

Capsim analyses the global background of the modelling (data and available characteristics, testing methods available and accessible, recordings of past tests...) and the aims assigned to the model to be created.

On this basis, CAPSIM deduces the development and validation strategy of the numerical model.

CAPSIM develops and the model and creates the following documents with respect to client requirements :

- Justification note regarding the model structure

- Validation note of the model

- Specification of the necessary tests


The model libraries of prime movers developed via some main commercial simulation software are used in various applications :

- Grid stability studies (within all electric ships, for example the connection of a power station to the grid)

- Studies regarding load acceptance on “rescued” networks

- Expert analysis of incidents

- Conception of algorithms of control systems

Capsim possesses a significant database of prime mover models developed in collaboration with manufacturers (Diesel engine, turbine, wind turbine, thermal power station, tidal wave power generator, marine energy...) and a knowledge of behaviour in specific situations (Diesel performance in “cold” conditions, influence of environmental conditions on the dynamic performances...).

Validation of the frequency behaviour of a Diesel-alternator model

Validation of the frequency behaviour of a Diesel-alternator model
Categories: energy system studies