
The design of an electrical power system or a multiphysical energy system (mixing various physical domains) goes through a certain number of steps and technical choices which are subject to hazards and risks, particularly during system integration. In a situation where the control of the lead times and costs is critical, the ability to anticipate these technical risks and validate the choices made, as early as possible, is a competitive advantage.


The technical choices relate not only to the sizing of components but also to the choice of technology, the definition of a regulation strategy, the coherence between the sizing of the different components in the system, the behaviour of the system under critical scenarios, etc.

Service principle

CAPSIM relies on its experiences in the field of electrical grids and of multi-physical systems as well as the use of simulation tools such as PSIM, Matlab-Simulink and EMTP in order to assist.  

The technical choices relate not only to the sizing of components but also to the choice of technology, the definition of a regulation strategy, the coherence between the sizing of the different components in the system, the behaviour of the system under critical scenarios, etc.


The recommendations provided by Capsim deliver all of the arguments required for making the choices inherent in the design of the system.

Validation model of the instrumentation and control of a 12-pulse thyristor bridge, using PSIM software
Categories: energy system studies